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Pro Bono Law Alberta (PBLA) is a nonprofit charitable organization that promotes access to justice in Alberta by creating and promoting opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono (free) legal services to persons of limited means.

What We Do

Pro Bono Law Alberta (PBLA) is a non-profit charitable organization that promotes access to justice in Alberta by creating and promoting opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono (free) legal services to persons of limited means.

Board & Staff

The Pro Bono Law Alberta Board of Directors and Advisory Committee consists of professionals from across Alberta who share a dedication to the pursuit of access to justice for all Albertans.

Our Funders & Partners

Join us in thanking our partners for their commitment to improving access to justice for Albertans in need.

National Conference

The National Pro Bono Conference is held every two years and is co-hosted by Access Pro Bono of British Columbia, Pro Bono Law Alberta, Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan, Pro Bono Ontario and Pro Bono Quebec.

Support Us

Pro Bono Law Alberta is a registered charity whose projects and activities are partly supported by charitable donations from individuals and corporations.

Contact Us

Contact the PBLA team.


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